Production Infrastructure

Christian Graf

Head of Team Skills, IT & Infrastructure | Executive Member

Lukas Schmutz

Head of Engineering | Executive Member

Michel Perret

CEO | Board Chair

Martin Kropf

Head of Sales | Executive Member

Production Infrastructure

“There is an infinite sensation to creation.” We are proud creators. We dream, create, and produce. 

Our focus is wide yet specific: We create everything except outside of the standard. 

If there’s an established, optimized standard for the production of any item, we’re not needed. We shine once the requirements get specific, complex, and unusual. We love making the impossible possible. Using Design Thinking and Extended Prototyping, there’s no question that’s too complex for us. 

With our devices, we automate workflows and processes that were considered non-automatable before. Or we optimize existing processes to make them more efficient and sustainable. 

In most cases, digitalization and automation play a significant role. However, if the situation requires, we’re also happy to build purely mechanical solutions that don’t need any electronics or sensors. 

From handling to testing to quality assurance and assembly – we create production infrastructure from idea to go-live. 

We focus on four overlapping topics, all of which – depending on the situation – we freely combine to create the ideal outcome. 

In a broad sense, automation describes the autonomous production of goods without any human involvement. 

Automation is a main focus at Gimelli Engineering – but why is that? 

For many people, robots are the quintessential image of the future: from humanoid robots in movies like iRobot to completely autonomous robots assembling Tesla’s vehicles – robots seem unstoppable. 

Robots play a vital role at Gimelli. Find out what and how we “robotize:”

The area of equipment very broadly summarizes general equipment and instruments in a production environment.

Production includes many topics. Take a look at the specifics on the next page:

The best robot in the world is only as good as the person who programmed it – or is controlling it.

That’s where we get into the area of control & HMI. The collection, management, and display of data and information is presenting a challenge in an ever-increasing digital world.

How do we master this challenge at Gimelli?

Satisfied Customers
Running Projects
Years with Technology
0 h +
Annual Capacity

What's happening at Gimelli