Design Thinking

Michel Perret

CEO | Board Chair

Christian Graf

Head of Team Skills, IT & Infrastructure | Executive Member

Martin Kropf

Head of Sales | Executive Member

Lukas Schmutz

Head of Engineering | Executive Member

Networking & Workshops

“No man is an island,” so the saying goes. Connect the right people and watch great ideas be born.

Our cross-industry activities create a broad network which we regularly connect at our Gimelli Networking Events. Because, even though the problems might be different for different industries, the way to come to a solution is often similar. Networking helps create new ideas and form new partnerships which optimally use existing resources and create symbiotic relationships.  Once specific ideas have been created, we initiate workshops to take the next steps. Using design thinking, we create pathways to bringing these ideas to life using extended prototyping.

Have a look at some networking events and workshops at Gimelli Engineering:

Satisfied Customers
Running Projects
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0 h +
Annual Capacity

Gimelli Success Stories