Product Development

Martin Kropf

Head of Sales | Executive Member

Christian Graf

Head of Team Skills, IT & Infrastructure | Executive Member

Lukas Schmutz

Head of Engineering | Executive Member

Michel Perret

CEO | Board Chair


In a broad sense, the term industry is defined as the production of goods at scale. At Gimelli, we actually care less about the scale of things: We care more about creating new, innovative solutions for problems that don’t fit the mold.

From conveyor belts to factories or construction sites – we create highly customized products for almost all industrial areas. Compared to consumer goods, these products are usually designed in a more robust way and for more intense use cases. Oftentimes, we work towards specific technical requirements, both in terms of quality as well as choice of material. 

When it comes to industry, we broadly define two categories.

One category is the design and production of devices that are used directly on other materials to perform a task. A good example is a special type of drill for ultra-hard materials, which has to work flawlessly even under maximum pressure. 

The other category focuses on devices that then create products themselves: For example, we’re a leading provider of freely customizable robot arms that are used far beyond simple automation. Oftentimes, our solutions improve the production process to such an extent that our customers end up selling it as a product of their own!

Have a look at the videos and stories below for some more examples.

Satisfied Customers
Running Projects
Years with Technology
0 h +
Annual Capacity

Gimelli Success Stories