Guide tool 5+2

This blog is translated from German with DeepL.


There are hundreds of leadership tools that support us in our daily work. However, we often do not apply these tools correctly or completely in practice. This usually does not lead to the fact that goals are not reached. But the way to the goal is strongly influenced in my opinion. From personal experience I can explain the following example:

  • Example:
  • The customer has a trade fair appointment in two weeks and still needs a prototype of his product for it. However the situation and the time circumstances arose, they can no longer be changed. Basically, we assume that we will support the customer and complete the job for him. But now several influences come together, which have to be collected and analyzed in some way. Often these activities happen intuitively and more or less efficiently depending on the experience of the manager. But what about the employees, the possible external suppliers and also the customer? What information do they need at what time that you can also work efficiently? Among other things, I recommend the 5+2 method in such situations. It provides the necessary and efficient basis for optimal decisions. Freely according to the principle “the worst in all things is indecision” and better at the right time a useful solution than the perfect one too late. All the more this tool is useful and applicable in daily business, as well as in private life.
1. Problem identification:

What is the task and how does it fit into the overall framework? With clearly defined tasks, the challenges are often obvious. In the case of very vague and unclearly defined assignments, there is an opportunity to do something different than before – and to assess the resulting risks after opportunities. Sub-problems are defined and organizational responsibilities and urgencies are identified. The result includes a brief description of the task, the goal and purpose, the urgency of the sub-tasks, initial approaches to solving the problem and guidelines for action.

A. Immediate Action:

Serve to get your staff working immediately and efficiently without having to give you detailed information about the job. It is important that the measures do not anticipate your decision or restrict your freedom of action. For example, an employee can make clarifications for you on manufacturing processes or external capacities. This gives you time to work through the next steps in detail. In this respect, immediate action also offers the advantage of involving subordinates immediately in the decision that follows.

B. Schedule:

Involves developing an idea of the time required and the time available for job planning and implementation. The schedule remains a continuously adjusted document until the contract is completed. I recommend here for very time-critical projects to do without special software and to use the usual means available (e.g. Excel or simply manually on paper). Further also that among other things this time schedule is compiled closely with the customer. Often, the problem recording still leads to partial problems, which only the customer can solve. In this respect you also help the customer in his planning and work together on the final result.

2. Situation assessment:

Includes the comparison of statements, findings and consequences. Facts and action-oriented consequences are required here, which help us to make decisions. The following groups of factors, among others, should be addressed for the statements: The order received from the customer.

  • What does this order mean in the overall framework?
  • When is the order minimally and maximally fulfilled?
  • Where are we free and where are we bound?
  • In what else can the customer support us?

Environment / resources

  • Capacities of needed suppliers
  • Geographical aspects
  • Resource availability (man and machine)

Time relations

  • When do which resources have to be used where?
  • When must what information be available where?
3. Decision:

Is the consequential conclusion drawn from the situation assessment. The decision should have an answer to each consequence worked out. If there are several possibilities, the decision should be checked for appropriateness, feasibility, viability, exclusivity and completeness. The result is to be understood as a central management tool. In this respect, it makes sense to describe as generally as possible how one would like to process the customer’s order. Graphically presented decisions are better understood by employees than purely verbal or textual decisions. The most important point from the decision is that it does not contain detailed orders. It only shows how the order will be completed in the overall framework. What is to be done and where, and in what order. This gives your employees, and if necessary also your suppliers, the possibility to act freely within the area of responsibility, as long as the decision is adhered to. Thus, your resolution must be clearly understood by all involved.


4. Plan development:

Depending on the situation and timing, decisions are documented here and made available to subordinates. This is the basis for placing orders.

5. Auftragserteilung / Revision der Pläne:
Sofern es die Situation zulässt, empfehle ich Ihnen die Auftragserteilung mit allen beteiligten Mitarbeitern gleichzeitig durchzuführen. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass die Verantwortlichkeiten für alle transparent sind. Folgendes Schema hilft bei der effizienten Durchführung: Orientierung

  • Was für einen Auftrag haben wir erhalten?
  • Was ist das Ziel?
  • Wer hilft uns dabei?


  • Wie wollen Sie den Auftrag erledigen? Hier stellen Sie Ihren graphisch dargestellten Entschluss vor. Bleiben Sie allgemein und geben Sie noch keine detaillierten Aufträge = „roter Faden“.


  • Jeder Mitarbeiter erhält hier seinen Auftrag


  • Handlungsrichtlinien (Kommunikation, Richtlinien, Einschränkungen usw.) bekannt geben der Sprachen.
  • Verbindungen regeln
  • Dokumentation regeln
  • Falls notwendig spezielle Arbeitszeiten regeln
  • Diverses, was sonst noch geregelt werden muss


  • Regeln, „wer, wann, wo“ ist
  • Wie und wo ist der Chef erreichbar


Testen, kombinieren und optimieren Sie bestehende Werkzeuge und analysieren Sie die Ergebnisse. Vor allem Ihre Mitarbeiter werden auch einen Mehrwert erkennen, was schlussendlich das Endresultat verbessern wird. Viel Erfolg.

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