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Videos with tips and tricks about human-machine interaction.
FRANKA EMIKA ROBOTER application examples we already have many. In our FRANKA EMIKA ROBOTER logs, we reveal more tips and tricks to better align man and machine. For example, we organized a team event for a large Swiss customer where the participants learned how to program a FRANKA EMIKA robot within one day. And we show how we use the FRANKA EMIKA robot as a tool to program apps. We also took a closer look at the Safety Box and were amazed. In this knowledge channel you will continuously find new examples of how to work with FRANKA EMIKA ROBOTER.
FRANKA EMIKA Log#1 Team Event Preview
We organized a big team event for a well-known Swiss company that would like to be inspired what is possible with collaborative robots. For this we set up 4 workstations. The main focus of the team event is to get to know the system of FRANKA EMIKA robots and the advantages of their sensitivity and control.
For example, one FRANKA EMIKA robot stops immediately when it collides. The other three robots move to specific points that have been shown to the robot. This is also called app programming. It’s simple programming, you can use certain apps to show the robot the way from A to B, have it grab objects and stack or reposition things. The participants of the team event are allowed to program the robots themselves with the help of instructions and thus assemble pocket knives.
FRANKA EMIKA Log#2 Team Event Review
The participants were all enthusiastic about our workshop. We started with simple applications. At one workstation it was about grabbing an object that was presented defined in a tray and placing it somewhere else. Participants learned to interact with the robot, learn its movements, and apply the appropriate app from the library in the correct order to make the program behave as desired. Another workstation required programming the robot to peel a carrot. The challenge was to define the number of apps and their order. The carrot is placed in a defined location. The robot picks up the carrot and places it on a holder to peel it afterwards. This environment only works under supervision and appropriate training. At a third workstation, we used the Balluff Smart Cam, which can detect objects on a plane. This was combined with an app from us (2D Vision move) so that the hardware could communicate with each other. The camera gives the orientation and coordinates in X and Y to the robot. Another Panda app looks for contact with the object and stacks it up.
Panda Log#3 with Feeling
In this video we describe the philosophy of the PANDA “robot for everyone”. The most fascinating feature of the system is its sensitivity. Often you hear as a saying to use robots as a tool. The robot becomes an efficient tool only when the hardware and software are well matched to the application. On the software side of the Panda robot, this is implemented with so-called apps. If we consider a spring scale as a tool, digitize it and package it in an app, we can implement a so-called spring function in the corresponding direction. The sensitive function can also be used in another form, for example for contact search. Together with force: for example pushing – pulling or also turning via moments. The three functions spring function, contact search and force form the fundamental basis for all assembly processes and test processes.
FRANKA EMIKA Log#4 The SafetyBox
This log is about safety. We describe the FEBB-1 safety box for the FRANKA EMIKA robot, which will provide a new safety function PL d / Cat. 3 according to ISO 138449-1. It is manufactured by the company Arend in Germany. Also included is a TÜV certificate, which guarantees certification according to ISO standards. The log explains exactly how to connect the SafetyBox and then explains how the control panel works. Before you can start, you have to release the brakes on the robot. When the robot arm lights up white, you can work in hand-guiding mode. If the control point is set to automatic, the color of the robot arm changes to blue. The robot now stops and the brakes are active when the emergency stop switch is pressed and the control point reports a safety conflict. If the blue light on the control point stops flashing, emergency stop is pressed or there is an error on X12 – that means with additional safety elements (safety box) there is an error. The X11 interface would be an additional emergency stop circuit, which is active in both operating stages. The X12 is only active in automatic mode. After releasing the emergency stop button, the SafetyBox signals that it is ready to start up.
In summary: If it has to be a safety level higher PL d / Cat. 3 according to ISO 138449-1, then the SafetyBox FEBB-1 from Arend Prozessautomation is the right choice, because only then the robot arm can be guaranteed in the corresponding TÜV certified shutdown and safety function.
FRANKA EMIKA Log#5 – Pickit 3D Vision
In this episode we demonstrate a 3D Vision application and the setup for it. The episode is especially aimed at end users of the FRANKA EMIKA robot system from Franka Emika with integrated pickit 3D Vision system.
We show here a discussion with SCHUNK about the initial integration of Co-act with the FRANKA EMIKA robot at our company.
We develop customized Apps for your application. Present us your use case and we will develop the right solution.