The Company

Christian Graf

Head of Team Skills, IT & Infrastructure | Executive Member

Martin Kropf

Head of Sales | Executive Member

Lukas Schmutz

Head of Engineering | Executive Member

Michel Perret

CEO | Board Chair


Upcoming open apprenticeship position 08/2024 

The Greek philosopher Diogenes had a saying about education:


“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth”.


It’s now almost 2,500 years later, but we believe that statement still rings true. Maybe now more than ever before. Education is part of our everyday lives at Gimelli. Both for the existing team as well as for any apprentice willing to join the ride of a lifetime.


We specifically offer apprenticeships for “Konstrukteur EFZ.” And we want the best of the best.


We are also involved as examination experts in the training of “Konstrukteur EFZ” (design engineers) and in trainings at technical universities. More about this in the videos below.

Christian Graf

Lead Team Skills

Do you have questions about vocational training?

Satisfied Customers
Running Projects
Years with Technology
0 h +
Annual Capacity

What's happening at Gimelli